I'm Kierra!

I'm Kierra AKA Miss Unconventional. I teach coaches, course creators, and corporate professionals how to conquer their chaotic schedules, guarantee their goals, and design a life and business that aligns with their personality, passions, and purpose. If you're ready to reclaim your TEA (Time, Energy, & Attention), click here to get started. 

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Best Business Investment I Made in 2021

Business Strategy, Productivity

They say: “It takes money to make money.”

As cliché as that saying may be, I’ve found it to be profoundly accurate.

Over the past 3 years, I’ve invested thousands of dollars in my personal and professional development. Some investments yielded a higher return than others, that’s just the nature of the beast.

While I don’t technically regret any investment, there are some that helped me move the needle so much in my business, I’d be remiss if I didn’t share them with you.

To be clear, I’ve made numerous great investments but the one I’m going to share today, just hit different.

I don’t make this statement lightly but:

WAIM Unlimited was the best investment decision I made last year in my business, and it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

I think it was the underlying WAIM ethos that sold it for me.

The Wandering Aimfully (WAIM) ethos is the idea that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for designing a business and life you love; there is only experimenting intentionally until you find the right answers for you.

If that’s not in perfect alignment with the overall sentiment of Miss Unconventional, I don’t know what is!

Caroline & Jason believe in wandering, exploring, and being open to the evolution of yourself and your business—while also striving to define and embody the values that aim you in the right direction. They say, “While you wander, do it AIMFULLY (not aimlessly) based on your own personal goals and your unique definition of success.”

Whew! That gives me chills every time.

Here’s a private message I sent to Jason and Caroline Zook (The Founders) at the end of 2021:

“Happy New Year Jason! Please give Caroline my love. I just wanted to hop on here to say THANK YOU! I may not be active in the Slack community, but if you remember when I first started with WAIM, I shared very specific goals with you.”

👉🏾  I wanted to have a fully-functioning website that showcased all the ways to work with me
✅  I have that now

👉🏾  I wanted to launch a Productivity Quiz with unique avatars and an email course
✅  I have that now

👉🏾  I wanted to launch an evergreen course on Teachery
✅  I have that now

👉🏾  I wanted a blog with 8-10 foundational articles like you suggested
✅  I have that now

👉🏾  I wanted to enhance the quality and increase the frequency of my content on IG
✅  I did that

👉🏾  I wanted to launch a solo-workshop style podcast
✅  I did that*

You know I’m not sharing all of this with you to brag. I have a LONG way to go in my business. I’m sharing this because I firmly believe that having you and Caroline as my Business Coaches last year gave me so much clarity, confidence, and endurance.

I can’t really believe everything I’ve been able to accomplish in such a short period of time! You both helped me lay such an amazing professional foundation. I feel on top of the world as I enter into 2022. Thank you for the way you show up and serve. I pray God blesses every single move you both make this year and beyond. Please share this with Caroline.”

I share this private message with you to give you context for why I’ve decided to be a WAIM Affiliate. It is because I believe in this program and its Founders. They have done wonders for my business and I’m still amazed by how much they OVER DELIVER, which is a core business value of mine.

I’d be remiss if I only shared my products and services when I know full well that it was investments like WAIM and others that have led to so many of my biz accomplishments.

Before I discovered WAIM Unlimited, I was STRUGGLING. I really didn’t know what to focus on and when, but the Un-Boring Business Roadmap was everything I needed and more to help me gain clarity on my next bold business move.


In this blog post, I’ll be sharing the following:

  1. What the hell is WAIM Unlimited & who’s responsible for this unicorn program
  2. What’s included in WAIM Unlimited
  3. My favorite aspects of WAIM Unlimited & how I used the trainings to level up my entire business
  4. Who WAIM Unlimited is for & how to enroll
  5. The Miss Unconventional BONUS for anyone who joins using my Affiliate Link


For those of you who’ve never heard of WAIM Unlimited, here’s an overview:

What the hell is WAIM Unlimited & who’s responsible for this unicorn program

WAIM Unlimited is Caroline & Jason Zook’s comprehensive coaching program that helps online business owners learn everything they need to know to create a business that meets their individual goals—without burning out in the process.


What’s included in WAIM Unlimited

For this enrollment period, March 21 – April 5, WAIM Unlimited will include:

  • 🗺  The Un-Boring Business Roadmap: An in-depth roadmap that pulls all of their experience, coaching sessions, and knowledge into ONE sequential program that an online business owner can jump into. This comes with:
    • 🗂  A step-by-step system for improving any online business based on their 5-step business checklist (Foundation -> Offer -> Marketing -> Content -> Website)
    • 📺  29 two-hour pre-recorded coaching sessions that leave no stone left unturned for every aspect on online business creation
    • 📓  Interactive workbooks to put each part of the roadmap into specific action, some in the form of editable PDFs and some in the form of Notion templates
    • 🌎  Access to the private Slack community
    • 👩🏻‍🦰👨🏻‍🦲  1-on-1 help from the Founders through Slack, email and monthly live session Q&As
    • 🏆 Momentum Mondays accountability with Jason through Slack
  • 📋 Notion Starter Pack: A full system of Notion Templates that help with project management, business organization, content creation, and more! (If you’re not familiar, Notion is a flexible and customizable project management and note-taking software app.)
  • 📐 Page Layout Library: A library of 10 different website page layouts with copy prompts, including sales pages, home pages, about pages, and marketing bridge landing pages, in order to make spinning up new website pages a breeze.
  • 🤖 Personal Coaching Robot: This microsite hosts 200 audio coaching clips sorted by topic to help business owners overcome the mental, emotional, and practical hurdles we all face on our journeys.
  • ⚙️ Lifetime Teachery Account: This is an online course software platform, which helps someone build and sell courses easily and without any technical knowledge. (Normally $49/month, but a lifetime account is included free with WAIM Unlimited.)
  • 🔑 WAIM Vault and WAIM Custom Dashboard: Over 40+ courses, workshops, walk-throughs, and behind the scenes videos, complete with a powerful search by keyword and accessible from a personalized dashboard


🔮 Anything they make in the future:

At no additional cost!

You read that right! Once you’ve paid off your membership, you have access to everything they create for the LIFETIME of the membership. I was in awe when I saw this. I felt like I got my money’s worth with the first 2-hour training I watched!


My favorite aspects of WAIM Unlimited & how I used the trainings to level up my entire business:

This is hard because I love so much about this program/membership, but here are a few trainings, templates, and articles that have had a PROFOUND effect on my business:


  1. Organizing Life & Business With Notion (March 2021 Masterclass)
  2. Create an Automated Email Course (July 2021 Masterclass)
  3. Building Your Marketing Bridge (October 2019 Masterclass)**

From organizing my daily life and business systems to implementing ethical, sleaze-free marketing strategies, these trainings have equipped me with the tools I need to hit the ground running as a professional and profitable entrepreneur.

I joined WAIM in April of 2021, but had access to all the trainings they had done before and will continue to have access to every new training long after my last payment post. In a world that’s favoring the “Limited Time Access” model I found this to be refreshing and extremely valuable.


  1. Grow It Gradually
  2. Build Without Burnout
  3. WAIM Business Roadmap**

I’d invested in other business courses prior to WAIM Unlimited, but if I recall, none of them focused on the life-changing magic of slowing down and building at your own pace, prioritizing work-life harmony.

Most of what we see today is “Learn to hit 6-Figs in 3 Days!” Haha, I’m exaggerating but you get my point. The courses inside of WAIM Unlimited teach you how to build the business of your dreams in a chronological, strategic way that leaves the burnout and overwhelm at the proverbial door.


  1. 5-Step Checklist to Improve Every Aspect of Your Online Business
  2. Why You Should Focus on Enough Instead of More
  3. Our Secret to Success: Doing Things Differently**

While the articles are available to anyone outside of the program, I wanted to include them because they are a prime example of how much Caroline and Jason love and care about the people they serve and the content they create. When the free content alone can provide so much value, you can’t help but be intrigued by the paid offers.

I remember reading a few of their articles and thinking to myself, “This right here is truly an UNCONVENTIONAL brand if I ever saw one.” Not to mention, there’s a catalogue of over 200 articles in the WAIM Unlimited Library, carefully categorized and curated for whatever you need to focus on in life and business.


Who WAIM Unlimited is for & how to enroll

The ideal customer for WAIM Unlimited is as follows:

✅  They own their own online business

  • They work with clients 1-on-1
  • OR, they sell digital products [courses, etc] to customers

✅  They are currently making some revenue with their business

✅  They want to grow their business, but want to do it intentionally (not just in it to hustle-to-the-bone to get rich, but want to live a spacious, balanced life along the way)

✅  They see themselves as creative in some way and are willing to do the work it takes to reach their goals

✅  They know it can feel lonely to own your own business so they’re looking for a community and group of like-minded people

✅  They value being inclusive, kind, curious, open, honest, and willing to ask for help


A person is NOT a good fit for WAIM’s products if…

❌  They don’t have a business at all

❌  They are looking for overnight success or silver bullets

❌  They think they can outsource every part of their business

❌  They think “passive income” means you can set it and forget it

❌  They want the easy way out and don’t want to do work or take action

❌  They want to make “6 figs” with no reason as to why

❌  Their business is affiliated with an MLM company

❌  They are only focused on growth (more customers, more money, etc)

❌  They are not okay with business owners talking about or supporting social justice initiatives promoting equality on behalf of marginalized groups

❌  They aren’t willing to laugh or have fun with biz

❌  They don’t like emojis 🤷🏻‍♂️

If you meet the criteria, I encourage you to enroll using my special affiliate link here.


The Miss Unconventional BONUS for anyone who joins using my Affiliate Link

Here’s why you’ll want to use my affiliate link:

To sweeten the deal, I’ve decided to add a bonus for anyone who joins WAIM Unlimited using my affiliate link.

Everyone who joins using my link will get FREE access to : CONQUER Your Chaos Crash Course TEST DRIVE which includes:

💻 Welcome Module & Module 1: Customize Your Routines of the CYCCC

📕 Chaos CONQUERED! Book – Digital Version

🎧 Chaos CONQUERED Audiobook

📔 CONQUER Daily Planner: Digital Version

🖥 CONQUER Daily Notion Template

📜 30 Resources Every Productive Boss Needs

📆 7- Day Customize Your Routines Challenge

📓 20-Day CONQUER Daily Journal Prompts

📋 CONQUER Daily Exercise Routine Checklist

📝 CONQUER Daily Meal Plan

📌This is not a drill. This is not a joke. This CONQUER Your Chaos Crash Course: Test Drive is valued at over $500! and all of these bonuses can be yours when you enroll in WAIM Unlimited using my Affiliate Link.

Access to these bonuses will begin on April 4, 2022, but the enrollment period for WAIM Unlimited starts TODAY.

If you have any questions, simply contact me on Instagram.

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Hey There!

I'm Kierra

Productivity & Lifestyle Design Strategist who helped over 200  entrepreneurs & corporate professionals reclaim their time, establish strong boundaries, and get the right things done at the right time for the right reasons.

I've taken the liberty of cancelling the #BookedandBusy culture and replaced it with #ProfitableandProductive culture instead.



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